How To Compose A Dissertation Title Page: 10 Helpful Tips

All graduate students know just how critical the dissertation is for their academic plans. It is the capstone of a number of years of study and sacrifice to reach the terminal degree. With it, the door is open to that doctorate. Without it, a student is in a void in which any academic career will not be going anywhere. Every part of the dissertation has its own level of importance. It may seem a little bit strange but that includes the title page. Some care and attention needs to be given to this front piece of that rather lengthy research project you are working on.

  1. Prepare the Reader. The Title Page can suggest to the reader in a very subtle way what is going to follow in the coming pages. Composing this might take a little word crafting in order to make it interesting.
  2. Watch The Language. You should resist the temptation to be overly formal or stuffy. There’s an opportunity to use the Title Page as an effective hook, and with the right use of words that will happen.
  3. Be Concise and Also Be Direct. The Title should not be too lengthy or ambiguous. A good descriptive Title can be a very impressive part of the whole.
  4. Don’t Hesitate to Look at Samples. If you are at a loss for words. Looking at the sample title pages and other dissertations can give you a few ideas on how to construct your own.
  5. Consider the Title Pages in Your Specialty Area. Biology may have different Title Page compositions then those done for History. Checking out the style of the Title Page is just a way of polishing the apple for the advisor. It could not hurt and it certainly might help.
  6. Be Very Focused. Be sure that every word in the Title relates directly to the research you are doing, and nothing else.
  7. Alert the Reader to the Content. Anyone who reads your Title Page must know immediately what can be anticipated in following pages.
  8. Dare to Be an Individual. Do not just rely on generic terms in writing. A little originality that marks the project as your own is going to be helpful here.
  9. Check the Guidelines. You may find this hard to believe, but your department instructions may have specific rules for the Title Page of the dissertation. By all means, make sure that you are consistent with the instructions.
  10. Have Somebody Else Read the Title. It is just a little bit of informal editing, but if somebody is not familiar with your subject matter recognizes immediately what the dissertation is all about, that is a definite plus.