What Do You Need To Know About The APA Dissertation Layout
Your dissertation needs to be perfect from every point of view if you want to impress your professors. This means that you need to find a way to combine a difficult topic with a suitable, easy structure. The most common writing format is the APA style, and it does not have too many requirements. Once you have the content itself, it will take you only a few hours to arrange it in the desired way. These are the most important elements that you should consider:
- The pages need to be simple and clear. Sometimes the format allows you to use different fonts and colors or to add elements that your professor did not request. However, in this case you will have to follow clear instructions and not add anything that is not mentioned. The pages must be always white and the font can’t be bigger than 12 pt. In general, it is better to use the Times New Roman font, but some professors will also accept variations of this style. Either way, remember that it is the most important academic paper that you will ever write, not a funny composition.
- The pages need to have 1 inch margins on every side, and there should be double spaces between the paragraphs. Don’t think about emphasizing some words with bold or italic letters; you are allowed to do this only in the footnotes or appendix.
- A title page is a must. If you did not think about creating one until now, it’s the time to do it. On the title page you have to write the title of the dissertation, the name of your supervisor and your name. The date needs to be written in the corner of the page. Sometimes your teacher might ask you to also write the name of the school or something similar, but this can be done later.
- Every page must have a number. You can add this easily when you write your composition. If you forgot and you already printed your composition, you can write it in the right superior corner of every page. However, make sure that this will not be too obvious otherwise your professor will take some points from you. Arrange the pages in order before submitting your composition and place at the end of the project any additional element that you created.