Creating Good Dissertation Titles For Business Management Students

When it comes to writing a title for school papers, you will never need to write a more appropriate title than when you are writing your dissertation. A dissertation is a paper where you will need to write a large research paper on a unique topic. It is really important that you decide on a really good topic to write about but it is also important to make sure that the title that you choose really explains what your paper is about. It should add new knowledge to the field and be on a topic that has not been explored yet.

Because you will need to write it on topic that is unique, it will need to be rather specific. You can get a list of generalized ideas and then apply it to a different area or expand on that study. Coming up with a good title is very difficult. Here are some suggestions on how to accomplish the task.

  1. Make a list of some general topics that you found interesting when taking your business management classes. These can be theories that you learned about or methods of managing.
  2. Start reading about the topic so that you can get an idea of a study that you will conduct by applying the theory or method to a problem that the business has been experiencing. For example, think about how a company could lessen their turnover. Is there a method that you can apply to a local business that would lessen the turnover rate?
  3. You would want to find a clever way to present the theory and then the case study. You can write something like “The theory of Management by Objectives: a case study of a local food distribution chain”. This title explains the theory that is being applied and the industry that you are applying it to.
  4. Make sure that you are writing a unique topic. Search a dissertation database to make sure that a study has not already been conducted in this industry. If it has, you can always choose a different theory or you can choose a different industry and still conduct the case study.

You will want to make sure that you create an outline that organizes your points. You will be able to write a solid paper if you work to plan it out first.
